Now Showing at Orana Kalgoorlie
To purchase tickets online, please select a session time below. PLEASE NOTE online ticket purchase closes 3 hours prior to the session time.
Look for the ★ below for all sessions with the BOGARTS experience: VIP luxury seating, hot food service and licensed area. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.
Wheelchair User & Carer Information: Please note that Cinema 1 and 3 have space for carers to sit besides wheelchair users in general admission. Cinema 2 has space for wheelchair users and carers in Bogarts, and space for wheelchair users (without carer seating besides them) in general admission. To find out which cinema a film is screening in, please click on the session time you'd like to attend for more information.

Select a movie to view session times and buy tickets online.
PLEASE NOTE online ticket purchase closes 3 hours prior to the session time.
Look for the ★ below for all Bogarts sessions. Find out more about the Bogarts experience here. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult.